Legal Bulletins

Gordon Feinblatt’s COVID-19 Information Hub
With so much information bombarding you on the coronavirus nationally and globally, we wanted to make the critical content we provide easy for you to find.
Below are links to articles our attorneys and staff have written so you can keep abreast of new legal developments and updates to our services. This page is updated daily as news and information becomes available from local, state and federal agencies as well.
In addition, we have maintained a consistent presence on LinkedIn and Twitter from the new normal of remote working with our favorite pets to breaking news on COVID-19’s impact in the United States. We welcome you to share our content and comment on our posts.
Our Articles
Federal Programs, Orders and Guidance
State and Local Orders and Guidance
Additional Information
Our Articles
Our articles are as follows with the most recent one at the top of this list:
- Foreclosure Purchaser Cannot Avoid the Running of Interest due to COVID-19
- Court Strikes Portion of Landlord-Tenant Laws Passed Because of COVID-19
- Business Interruption Insurance Requires Physical Damage
- Extended CARES Act Bankruptcy Provisions Set to Expire
- Understanding COBRA Extensions Granted as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Releases COVID-19 Vaccination Regs for Health Care Workers
- Health Care Employer Vaccine Mandates Survive Legal Challenges
- OSHA Issues COVID-19 ‘Vaccination of Test’ Rule for Employers with 100 or More Employees
Updated January 5, 2022 - CFPB Backtracks on Effective Date of New Debt Collection Rules
- Maryland Eases Foreclosure Restrictions
- Federal Authorities Increase Efforts to Bolster Housing Security
- EEOC Clarifies Guidance on Workplace Vaccine Issues Including Incentives
- President Biden Supports Patent Waiver for COVID-19 Vaccines
- Residential Foreclosure Restrictions Extended Again
- CFPB Signals Increased Focus on Protecting Housing Security in the Wake of COVID-19
- CFPB Seeks to Delay Effective Date of Debt Collection Rule
- World IP Day Celebrating Creativity in These Difficult Times
- COBRA Premium Subsidies Come Into Focus Though Still a Bit Fuzzy
- COVID-19 Bankruptcy Relief Extension Act of 2021 Extends Certain CARES Act Bankruptcy Provisions
- Residential Foreclosure Restrictions Extended Again
- American Rescue Plan Act’s Free COBRA Coverage Begins April 1
- Protections in Place for Latest Federal Stimulus Payments
- Changes to Shuttered Venue Operators Grant Program
- Alert to Plan Administrators: COVID-19 Extension of COBRA Election Period Subject to One-Year Limit
- Residential Foreclosure Restrictions Extended
- What Businesses Need to Know About Maryland’s RELIEF Act
- Economic Aid Act: The Relaunch of the Paycheck Protection Program
- Small Business Administration’s Set to Launch Shuttered Venue Operators Grant Program
- Residential Foreclosure Restrictions Extended
- Bankrupt Chuck E. Cheese Cannot Extend Rent Abatement
- Maryland and U.S. Extend Stays on Residential Foreclosures and Certain Evictions
- New Appropriations Law Provides Limited FSA Relief
- Stay on Residential Foreclosures and Prohibition on Evictions Extended
- Federal Relief Bill Includes Several Amendments to the Bankruptcy Code
- Federal Protections in Place for Stimulus Payments
- Mandatory FFCRA Leave Sunsets Soon, But Tax Credits for Voluntary Leave for Employees Extended
- New Executive Order Delays Resumption of Residential Foreclosures
- Should Employers Require Their Employees to Get COVID-19 Vaccinations?
- Executive Order Addresses Repossessions and Residential Foreclosures
- Foreclosure and Eviction Stays Are Extended
- Alert to Plan Adminstrators: Be Aware of COVID-19 Extension of COBRA Election Period
- DOL Revises Its FFCRA Regulations, Including Narrowing the Definition of 'Health Care Providers' Who May Be Excluded from Paid Leave
- IRS Issues Updated 'Safe Harbor' 402(f) Model Notices for Retirement Plan Administrators
- Remote Settlements in Maryland During the Pandemic
- Maryland Legal Alert - June 2020
- What a Stage Two Reopening Looks Like in Maryland Updated June 11, 2020
- Reflections of a Homebound Real Estate Lawyer: All Dressed Up and Hesitant About Where to Go
- U.S. Senate Passes Bill to Amend Provisions of the PPP Loan Program Updated June 5, 2020
- What a Stage One Reopening Looks Like in Maryland Updated May 29, 2020
- Maryland's 'Mini-WARN' Law Mandates Advance Notice of Certain Workforce Reductions and Carries Significant Penalities
- Maryland Legal Alert - May 2020
- Q&A for Maryland Health Care Providers on Resuming Elective and Non-Urgent Procedures
- Not All Software Licenses Allow Remote Working
- COVID-19 Financial Assistance for Businesses Updated April 27, 2020
- Disaster Recovery Agreements Require Tailored Force Majeure Clauses
- What COVID-19 Means for Businesses Updated April 23, 2020
- Maryland Legal Alert - April 2020
- PPP Loan and Other Coronavirus Tax Benefits
- Patents in a Pandemic: Are There Incentives?
- Financial Relief for Health Care Providers Impacted by COVID-19
- Maryland Court of Appeals Suspends Statute of Limitations for State Court Case Filings amid Ongoing Pandemic
- Protecting Your Trademark During Temporary Business Closure
- CARES Act Expands Unemployment Insurance Benefits
- Q&A on Maryland's Most Recent Permanent Changes to Telehealth Laws
- Mortgage Forbearance and Moratorium on Evictions for Multifamily Projects with Federally Backed Mortgage Loans
- Governor Hogan’s Order Prohibits Initiation of Evictions
- Extensions for Patent and Trademark Filings Available to Those Affected by COVID-19
- IRS Provides Guidance for Employers to Obtain Advance Payment of Coronavirus Refundable Tax Credits
- Social Security Recipients Will Automatically Receive Coronavirus Stimulus Payments
- Q&A on the CARES Act’s Impact on Health Care Providers
- Employee Benefits Highlights of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act
- Individual and Business Tax Provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act
- DOL Issues New FAQs Addressing the Emergency Paid Sick Leave and Expanded FMLA Laws
- DOL Issues Guidance for Employers of Health Care Workers and Emergency Responders
- Paycheck Protection Program Loans Under the CARES Act
- What COVID-19 Means for Real Estate
- Department of Labor Publishes Its First Guidance on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and a Model Notice for Employee Rights
- Posting Online for Homebound May Have Copyright Considerations
- IRS Issues Updated Tax Relief Due to Coronavirus Pandemic
- Q&A for Maryland Health Care Providers on Regulatory Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- IRS Issues Tax Payment Relief Due to Coronavirus Pandemic
- U.S. Enacts Families First Coronavirus Response Act with Expanded Paid Leave
- Tax Planning During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Don’t Forget to Wash Your Hands and Don’t Forget the ‘Wash Sale’ Rules
- Agency Guidance on COVID-19 for Employers
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Update from Gordon Feinblatt
- Real Estate Industry Must Prepare for COVID-19
More articles written by our attorneys on topics unrelated to the coronavirus can be found under News, Publications, and Insights tab.
Federal Programs, Orders and Guidance
- Small Business Administration's FAQs for the Paycheck Protection Program as of April 29, 2020
- Small Business Administration's interim final rule regarding business loans and the Paycheck Protection Program as of April 29, 2020
- Internal Revenue Service's updates on tax deadlines and coronavirus-related developments as of April 14, 2020
- Internal Revenue Service's update on tax deadlines for individuals, trusts, estates, corporations and other noncorporate tax filers as of April 9, 2020
- Small Business Administration's borrower application form for the Paycheck Protection Program as of April 8, 2020
- Small Business Administration's 7(a) borrower information form as of April 1, 2020
- Small Business Administration's borrower fact sheet for the Paycheck Protection Program as of April 1, 2020
- Small Business Administration's overview of the Paycheck Protection Program as of April 1, 2020
- Federal agencies' statement on loan modifications and reporting for financial institutions as of March 22, 2020
- U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's guidance on annual meetings
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' telehealth guidance and relaxing requirements
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' telemedicine health care provider fact sheet
- Drug Enforcement Agency's telehealth and scheduled drug prescription changes
- U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship's small business owner's guide to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act
- U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship's FAQ on the Payment Protection Program
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce's guide and checklist for coronavirus-related emergency loans for small businesses
State and Local Orders and Guidance
- Governor Hogan's order terminating various emergency orders as of June 15, 2021
- Maryland Department of Health's directive and order regulating certain businesses and facilities and other directives concerning limiting the spread of COVID-19 as of March 9, 2021
- Maryland Department of Health's amended directive and order regarding various health care matters as of March 9, 2021
- Governor Hogan's amended order of June 19, 2020, extending certain licenses, permits, registrations and other governmental authorizations and authorizing the suspension of legal time requirements as of March 9, 2021
- Governor Hogan's amended order of March 16, 2020, relating to various health matters as of March 9, 2021
- Governor Hogan's amended order of February 23, 2021, regarding the regulation of certain businesses and facilities as well as the use of face coverings as of March 9, 2021
- Maryland Commissioner of Financial Regulation's interpretional guidance regarding foreclosures and repossessions as of December 18, 2020
- Governor Hogan's amended order of October 16, 2020, regarding evictions, foreclosures and repossessions as of December 17, 2020
- Governor Hogan's amended order of November 10, 2020, regarding the regulation certain businesses and facilities as well as the use of face coverings as of November 17, 2020
- Governor Hogan's amended order regarding the reopening of certain businesses and facilities as well as the use of face coverings as of November 10, 2020
- Governor Hogan's amended order regarding evictions and foreclosures as of October 16, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order regarding the reopening of certain businesses and facilities as well as the use of face coverings as of September 28, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order regarding the reopening of certain businesses and facilities as well as the use of face coverings as of September 18, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order regarding the reopening of certain businesses and facilities as of September 1, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order regarding the opening of certain businesses and facilities as of June 10, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order regarding the opening of certain businesses and facilities as of May 27, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order authorizing licensed pharmacists to test for COVID-19 as of May 19, 2020
- Maryland Office of Legal Counsel's guidance regarding the opening of certain businesses and facilities as of May 13, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order regarding the opening of certain businesses and facilities as of May 13, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order regarding gatherings and openings as of May 6, 2020
- Maryland Office of Legal Counsel's guidance regarding barbershops and salons as of April 20, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order regarding face masks and social distancing as of April 15, 2020
- Baltimore City's announcement regarding a multimillion-dollar stimulus program for small businesses and nonprofits as of April 14, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order authorizing remote witnessing and electronic signing of certain documents as of April 10, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order delegating authority to county health officials to control and close unsafe facilities as of April 5, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order prohibiting initiation of evictions as of April 3, 2020
- Maryland Office of Legal Counsel's guidance regarding large gatherings, senior citizen centers, nonessential businesses and the stay-at-home order as April 1, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order regarding additional telehealth services as of April 1, 2020
- Maryland Office of Legal Counsel's guidance regarding large gatherings, senior citizen centers, nonessential businesses and the stay-at-home order as of March 30, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order prohibiting large gatherings, closing senior citizen centers and all nonessential businesses, and establishing a stay-at-home mandate as of March 30, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order regarding remote notarizations as of March 30, 2020
- Maryland Office of Legal Counsel's guidance regarding Maryland businesses as of March 25, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order regarding labs as of March 23, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order prohibiting retailers from increasing prices on certain goods and services as of March 23, 2020
- Governor Hogan's order regarding the temporary prohibition of evictions as of March 16, 2020
- Governor Hogan's orders and proclamations related to COVID-19
- Maryland Department of Health's coronavirus information hub
Additional Information
- Baltimore Development Corporation's list of financial resources for small businesses
- Maryland Bankers Association's business resources
Thank you for your patience in this crisis and please be safe.
March 24, 2022
Bacharach, Charles R.
Bulgin, Andrew D.
Chriss, Timothy D. A.
Coats, Douglas Turner
Craig, Royal W.
Dotson, Tierra L.
Gaumont, Robert A.
Himmelrich, Ned T.
Levin, Edward J.
Magette, Christopher T.
Mellin, Matthew P.
Mitnick, Searle E.
Montanio, Alexandria K.
Mull, Bryan M.
Poliakoff, Abba David
Rahl, Christopher R.
Ritchie, George F.
Rosen, Barry F.
Rosenwald, II, Peter B.
Stein, Theodore P.
Walsh, Michele Bresnick
Zoller, Danielle Stager
Health Care
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