Mid-Atlantic Health Law TOPICS

Maryland Regulatory News
- The Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) has a new Executive Director, Katie Wunderlich. She was the immediate past Engagement and Alignment Director at the HSCRC.
- Physicians who supervise physician assistants no longer need to file documentation about alternate supervising physicians with the Board of Physicians. Instead, according to recently finalized regulations that reflect a change in the law, supervising physicians in any practice setting are only required to have that documentation readily available, accessible, and provided to the Board upon request. The documentation must also be signed by each alternate supervising physician, indicating that each alternate understands and accepts the role.
- CMS approved the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration’s renewal application for the Community Pathways Waiver program. The renewal extends the Medicaid waiver for an additional five years. The DDA’s Community Pathways Waiver provides reimbursement for case management, adult day services and other assistance for Maryland residents who have been diagnosed with a disability and need residential, day or support services.
- The Maryland Department of Health Office of Oral Health launched a campaign in July, “Two Minutes With Your Dentist Can Save Your Life,” to promote a pilot program that encourages dental professionals to screen patients for hypertension. The campaign includes a banner exhibit at public libraries. According to the Office of Oral Health, dentists in Maryland have screened 22,000 residents for high blood pressure in the last year.
Sara J. Witman, Paralegal
410-576-4010 • switman@gfrlaw.com