
Gordon Feinblatt Re-Elects Barry F. Rosen as Chairman and CEO
Baltimore, Maryland -- Gordon Feinblatt, LLC announced today that Barry F. Rosen was re-elected to serve a fifth five-year term as the Firm’s Chairman and CEO.
Mr. Rosen was first elected to this position in 1989. For the last 20 years, he has successfully led Gordon Feinblatt during an era when it has become universally recognized that effective leadership and management of law firms are critical to their continued success.
Mr. Rosen's repeated re-election is an affirmation of the confidence the Firm has in his steady leadership, and stands in sharp contrast to some of the instability found elsewhere in the profession. Gordon Feinblatt is the seventh largest law firm in Maryland.
Mr. Rosen is also one of Maryland’s leading health law practitioners, and the past Chairman of the Board of LifeBridge Health and Sinai Hospital.